Royal Arsenal Woolwich

Spot, building, farm, …

London, United Kingdom

Formerly a military complex in south London, consisting of armaments and ammunition factories, an arsenal, artillery schools, etc.

Its origins go back to the 17th century. Military operations ceased in 1994.

One of the Arsenal’s units was the Royal Brass Foundry Woolwich, the cannon foundry of which the Schaffhausen native Andreas Schalch was director.

Traveljournal 1825–1827

  • Henderson, W. O.: J. C. Fischers Besuche in London zwischen 1794 und 1851. In: Sonderdruck aus Tradition - Zeitschrift für Firmengeschichte und Unternehmensbiographie 1967, S. 420f.
  • Henderson, W. O.: J. C. Fischer and his Diary of Industrial England 1814–1851. London 1966, S. 39f., 146–150.

Cite as: Royal Arsenal Woolwich. In: Travel Reports of a Pioneer: Digital Edition of the Travel Journals of Johann Conrad Fischer 1794–1851. Published by Franziska Eggimann. Edited by Franziska Eggimann, Nicolau Lutz, Valerija Rukavina und Christopher Zoller-Blundell. Schlatt 2023, Version 1.2,, viewed on 10 March 2025.

Royal Artillery Repository Exercises in the Royal Arsenal Woolwich (picture by John Grant, 1844)