Royal Brass Foundry Woolwich

Spot, building, farm, …

London, United Kingdom

: Royal Foundry

The British cannon foundry, founded in 1717.

The institution was founded by Andreas Schalch from Schaffhausen and was part of the Royal Arsenals.

Traveljournal 1794

Traveljournal 1825–1827

Cite as: Royal Brass Foundry Woolwich. In: Travel Reports of a Pioneer: Digital Edition of the Travel Journals of Johann Conrad Fischer 1794–1851. Published by Franziska Eggimann. Edited by Franziska Eggimann, Nicolau Lutz, Valerija Rukavina und Christopher Zoller-Blundell. Schlatt 2023, Version 1.2,, viewed on 10 March 2025.