G. Fischer’s Gusstahl-Waaren-Fabrik

founded 1827

: Tiegel-Gussstahlwaaren-Fabrik

Cast steel and file factory belonging to Georg Fischer I in Hainfeld (Austria).

Johann Conrad Fischer purchased the factory in 1827 in order to benefit from the flourishing scythe manufacturing industry in the region. Shortly afterwards he entrusted the management of the works to his son Georg Fischer. Georg Fischer I bought the company in 1833, which consisted of a cast steel mill in the so-called Auwerk and a file factory in the village. The plant in Hainfeld was expanded soon after by the purchase of a hammer mill in Traisen, where spinning machine spindles were forged for the cotton industry. Fischer continued to expand production until 1886, manufacturing rollers, scissors, drills and cutting tools, vices, wrenches and spanners, rasps, saws and anvils in addition to files, hammers and various types of crucible steel.

Georg Fischer I managed the company until his death in 1888. The file factory and the cast steel mill were bought three years later by the Böhler Brothers in Kapfenberg (Lower Austria). They sold the mill in 1894, but the file factory continued operating until it was shut down in the 1930s.

Traveljournal 1851

  • Knoepfli, Adrian: Mit Eisen- und Stahlguss zum Erfolg. In: Pioniere. Schweizer Pioniere der Wirtschaft und Technik, 74. Näfels 2002, S. 31–34.

Cite as: G. Fischer’s Gusstahl-Waaren-Fabrik. In: Travel Reports of a Pioneer: Digital Edition of the Travel Journals of Johann Conrad Fischer 1794–1851. Published by Franziska Eggimann. Edited by Franziska Eggimann, Nicolau Lutz, Valerija Rukavina und Christopher Zoller-Blundell. Schlatt 2023, Version 1.2, https://johannconradfischer.com/en/names/gfa-actors-8272, viewed on 10 March 2025.

View of the cast iron and file factory of Georg Fischer I in Hainfeld (photographer unknown, c. 1880)