Fischer, Georg I

14. July 1804 – 3. October 1888

Schaffhausen metallurgist, entrepreneur and and second youngest son of Johann Conrad Fischer.

Georg Fischer studied at the Imperial Polytechnical Institute Vienna chemistry and physics. In 1833 he took over the foundry in Hainfeld, Austria, that his father had founded. After his father’s death in 1854, he inherited the factories in Schaffhausen. He reorganised and modernised them and sold the operations in 1864 to his son Georg Fischer II.

See family: Fischer



  • Seraphine Reiter (1812–1838)


  • Georg Fischer II (1834–1887)
  • Maria Catharine Seraphine Fischer (1836–?)
  • Leopoldine Fischer (1837–?)

Traveljournal 1845

Traveljournal 1846

Traveljournal 1851

  • Fischer, Johann Conrad: Tagebücher. Bearbeitet von Karl Schib. Schaffhausen 1951.
  • Knoepfli, Adrian: Mit Eisen- und Stahlguss zum Erfolg. Johann Conrad Fischer, Georg Fischer I, Georg Fischer II, Georg Fischer III. In: Pioniere. Schweizer Pioniere der Wirtschaft und Technik. Meilen 2002.
  • Siegrist, Hannes: Vom Familienbetrieb zum Managerunternehmen. In: Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft 44. Göttingen 1981.

Cite as: Fischer, Georg I. In: Travel Reports of a Pioneer: Digital Edition of the Travel Journals of Johann Conrad Fischer 1794–1851. Published by Franziska Eggimann. Edited by Franziska Eggimann, Nicolau Lutz, Valerija Rukavina und Christopher Zoller-Blundell. Schlatt 2023, Version 1.2,, viewed on 10 March 2025.

Georg Fischer I (self-portrait, 1827)